- JFK: Seven Days That Made a President2013
- Documentary
- History
- America: The Story of Us2010
- History
- Documentary
- The Lincoln Conspiracy1977
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Aquarius: The Age of Evil2011
- Documentary
- A Night at the Garden2017
- Documentary
- History
- Servant of the People: The Story of the Constitution of the United States1937
- History
- Drama
- Inside the White House1996
- Documentary
- A Tour of the White House with Mrs. John F. Kennedy1962
- History
- Documentary
- I Am JFK Jr.2016
- Documentary
- Drama
- Black Indians: An American Story2004
- Documentary
- The Kennedy Dynasty2023
- Documentary
- History
- TV Movie
- My Country 'Tis of Thee1950
- Documentary
- FDR: A Presidency Revealed2005
- Documentary
- Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy1981
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Three Sovereigns for Sarah1985
- History
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Duel for the White House2016
- Documentary
- Adios Amor2022
- Documentary
- The Human Factor2021
- Documentary
- History
- The American Question2024
- Documentary
- One Woman, One Vote1995
- Documentary
- History