- The Future Tense2022
- Documentary
- Oblivion2024
- Animation
- Documentary
- Oxymoron Life...2024
- Drama
- Fantasy
- L'Image de la culture2024
- Drama
- American Journal2023
- Documentary
- Remastered Brutality2024
- Drama
- Opera About Poland2017
- Documentary
- Blue Diary1998
- Drama
- Desolate Rome1995
- Documentary
- Ôrí1989
- Documentary
- The Last Dream of Anatoly Vasilievich1990
- Science Fiction
- Documentary
- Impressions of Upper Mongolia1976
- Documentary
- On Memory2021
- Documentary
- Animation
- Eautopsie2024
- Documentary
- The Imperial Lullaby2020
- Documentary
- History
- D is for Division2018
- Documentary
- 32-Rbit2018
- Animation
- Tati vs. Bresson: The Gag2016
- Director's First Minute After Death2024
- Documentary
- this evening out of boredom washed my hands three times in succession in the bathroom2024
- Documentary