- Ein Dorf sieht Mord2009
- Drama
- Crime
- History
- The Frozen Inferno2000
- Action
- Science Fiction
- Im Zeichen des Kreuzes1983
- Drama
- Science Fiction
- Nuclear Danger2022
- Documentary
- The Fear of Leaving the Animal Forever Forgotten Under the Ground2021
- Wolsong: Vanishing Town2019
- Documentary
- Rêves Fondus2018
- Documentary
- The Sun and the Shadow1962
- Drama
- Romance
- A Lullaby Under the Nuclear Sky2016
- Documentary
- Die Mächtigste Bombe der Welt2011
- Documentary
- Fukushima2014
- Documentary
- Climate of Hope2007
- Documentary
- Animation
- Planning for Public Shelter Entry1963
- Documentary
- The World Is Not a Landscape2005
- Drama