- Cinderella: Once Upon a Time in the West2012
- Animation
- Family
- Action
- Adventure
- Wild and Woody!1948
- Animation
- Comedy
- Western
- The Lone Chipmunks1954
- Animation
- Another Man, Another Chance1977
- Drama
- Romance
- Western
- Big Money Rustlas2010
- Action
- Comedy
- Western
- Wild and Woolly1917
- Comedy
- Western
- Blackwood2022
- Horror
- Western
- Westward Ho, The Wagons!1956
- Adventure
- Western
- Sonny and Jed1972
- Western
- Comedy
- The Gun and the Pulpit1974
- Western
- TV Movie
- The Secrets of the 'Back to the Future' Trilogy1990
- Comedy
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Documentary
- Bolek and Lolek in the Wild West1986
- Animation
- Family
- Adventure
- Western
- A Visit from the Incubus2001
- Horror
- Comedy
- Music
- Western
- The Animals1970
- Western
- Dead Noon2009
- Horror
- Western
- Apache Blood1975
- Western
- The Bandit Queen1950
- Western
- Adventure
- Bastard, Go and Kill1971
- Western
- Reaping for Dummies2013
- Animation
- Comedy
- Valley of the Sun1942
- Western