- Flipside Video Fanzine Number Two1983
- Music
- Documentary
- The Vandals1972
- TV Movie
- Documentary
- The Outcasts1985
- TV Movie
- Documentary
- Suspension: The Ultimate Body Experience1999
- Documentary
- We Are Bleach
- Comedy
- Drama
- Music
- The Contestant2021
- Documentary
- Disciples2021
- Documentary
- Tokyo Skin1996
- Drama
- 8-8-88 Church of Satan Mansonite Rally1988
- Documentary
- They Call Us Greasers2021
- Documentary
- Strange Life: The Breech1998
- Documentary
- Horror
- Crash 'n' Burn1977
- Music
- Documentary
- Rocking '83 - Bear's Jam1983
- Documentary
- The Moments We Lived1982
- Documentary
- Spuren des Performativen2017
- Documentary
- Sex, Death & Eyeliner1999
- Documentary
- C-Walk: It's a Way of Livin'2003
- Documentary
- Music
- Anarchy in the Philippines2018
- Documentary
- Locked Off2016
- Documentary
- Bönder, kärlek och trimmade traktorer2016
- Documentary