- Skyman2020
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- The UFO Incident1975
- Drama
- History
- Romance
- Science Fiction
- TV Movie
- Horror
- Beacon Point2016
- Thriller
- A Prison on Earth2016
- Documentary
- They Found Us
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- The Night Caller1965
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- The Device2014
- Thriller
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Cute Little Buggers2017
- Horror
- Comedy
- Progeny1998
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Mark of the Astro-Zombies2004
- Crime
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Mars Needs Women1968
- Science Fiction
- TV Movie
- UFO's Are Real1979
- Documentary
- The Stranger Within1974
- TV Movie
- Mystery
- Science Fiction
- Official Denial1993
- TV Movie
- Science Fiction
- Laboratory1980
- Science Fiction
- Xenophobia2019
- Science Fiction
- Touched2003
- Documentary
- Confessions Of An Alien Abductee2013
- Documentary
- Watchers 9: Days of Chaos2015
- Documentary
- Absence2013
- Horror
- Thriller