- Big Big World2016
- Drama
- Naked Vengeance1985
- Drama
- Action
- Crime
- Balloon Land1935
- Family
- Animation
- Comedy
- The Attack of the Giant Mousaka1999
- Science Fiction
- Comedy
- A Thousand Little Cuts2022
- Drama
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Look Again2011
- Thriller
- Mystery
- TV Movie
- Magic to Win2011
- Fantasy
- Comedy
- Action
- Next to Me2015
- Drama
- Comedy
- No Place to Hide1992
- Thriller
- 4 Dollars of Revenge1966
- Western
- Paper Dove2003
- Drama
- The Very Edge1963
- Drama
- Arrow In The Dust1954
- Western
- Deadly Heroes1993
- Drama
- Action
- Pawnee1957
- Western
- Complex of Fear1993
- Thriller
- TV Movie
- Mystery
- Crime
- Attack of the Brainsucker2012
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Prologue2003
- Drama
- Crime
- Killer Kites2023
- Horror
- Comedy
- De Charles de Gaulle à Emmanuel Macron, les gardiens de l'empire2022
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- History