- Mythica: The Iron Crown2016
- Action
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Little Dead Rotting Hood2016
- Horror
- Night of the Seagulls1975
- Horror
- Cemetery of Terror1985
- Horror
- The Lost Empire1984
- Adventure
- Action
- Fantasy
- The Curse of the Crying Woman1963
- Thriller
- Horror
- Dead 72016
- Comedy
- Horror
- Western
- Day of the Mummy2014
- Adventure
- Horror
- Action
- Hellgate1989
- Comedy
- Horror
- Undead or Alive: A Zombedy2007
- Horror
- Western
- Comedy
- The Legend of Halloween Jack2018
- Horror
- Samurai Reincarnation1981
- Action
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Bunker of the Dead2016
- Action
- Horror
- Comedy
- Isle of the Snake People1971
- Horror
- Terror 52016
- Horror
- Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell1995
- Horror
- Breakdown Lane2017
- Drama
- Horror
- Thriller
- The Curse of Hobbes House2020
- Horror
- Thriller
- School-Live!2019
- Horror
- Comedy
- Drama
- Mystery
- Legion of the Dead2005
- Horror
- Thriller