- Voice in the Wind1944
- Drama
- The Mysterious Mr. Valentine1946
- Crime
- Count the Hours!1953
- Crime
- Drama
- Chicago Deadline1949
- Drama
- Crime
- Double Jeopardy1955
- Crime
- Hoodlum Empire1952
- Crime
- The Sellout1952
- Crime
- Drama
- Black Gravel1961
- Drama
- Crime
- Thriller
- Le Frelon Vert2006
- Action
- Science Fiction
- Crime
- Thriller
- The Glass Cage1955
- Crime
- The Fake1953
- Crime
- Drama
- Once a Thief1950
- Crime
- Drama
- The Man Is Armed1956
- Crime
- Drama
- Whispering City1947
- Drama
- Thriller
- Unmasked1950
- Crime
- They Made Me a Killer1946
- Crime
- Drama
- Thriller
- The Sign of the Ram1948
- Drama
- Thriller
- Parole, Inc.1948
- Crime
- Drama
- Thriller
- Incident1948
- Crime
- Thriller
- Shadow of a Woman1946
- Drama