- Untitled (Rat)2013
- Animation
- Coping Strategies2013
- Animation
- Prick och Fläck på pricken2011
- Animation
- A Day Like Today
- Animation
- The Tulle Curtain2009
- Animation
- Spring in Autumn
- Yellow Marine Meteorological Observatory1988
- Animation
- Kindness Begins With Me
- The Three Dogeteers in Courtin' an'a Snortin'1960
- Comedy
- Animation
- Impossible Maladies2024
- Animation
- Comedy
- Caravan1995
- Animation
- History
- Music
- Unlucky Little Man
- Animation
- New Beginnings2023
- Animation
- The Fable of Friday the 13th1922
- Comedy
- Animation
- Patches
- Animation
- The Cat and the Magnet
- Animation
- Comedy
- Rats in His Garret1927
- Comedy
- Animation
- Egy különc úr naplójából1972
- Animation
- The Fable of the Man Who Laughs1922
- Animation
- Comedy
- The Circus1923
- Animation
- Comedy