- Werewolf in a Girl's Sorority2013
- Comedy
- Horror
- Action
- Earth Defense Widow2014
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- No Redemption With... Don Mitraglia2012
- Action
- Western
- The Hunt2011
- Comedy
- Horror
- Paranormal Parody2011
- Horror
- Comedy
- Star Drunk2013
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Screening Party2008
- Comedy
- Summer of Leftover Stubble2009
- Romance
- Drama
- Comedy
- Script Cops: Cliché Misdemeanor2008
- Comedy
- Action
- Al's Brain2009
- Paranormal Saw2010
- Comedy
- Horror
- Bear Force One2010
- Action
- Comedy
- Dead Shit2007
- Horror
- Comedy
- Pasukob2007
- Comedy
- Better Off Undead2007
- Horror
- Comedy
- Dirt Devil2007
- Comedy
- To Die is Hard2010
- Comedy
- Action
- Vamps in the City2010
- Comedy
- Horror
- Another Night of the Living Dead2011
- Comedy
- The Secret of the Magic Mushrooms2009
- Horror
- Comedy