- Daniel Asleep1988
- Drama
- ALTAR: Cruzando Fronteras, Building Bridges2009
- Documentary
- History
- Out of Our Time1988
- Straight Hike for the Butch Dyke2005
- Comedy
- Adventure
- History
- 23 -- Skidoo1930
- Comedy
- A Complicated Queerness: Living Femme in a Dyke Community2007
- Dressed As a Girl
- Drama
- a small island
- Documentary
- Jacques Maritain: The Amorous Philosopher2007
- Documentary
- Night Archives2005
- Drama
- Conséquent2010
- Romance
- Drama
- They Do Exist1982
- Drama
- Word Is Out: Then and Now, Thirty Years Later2008
- Documentary
- Who Am I?2009
- Romance
- Drama
- No Particular Night in Fun City2008
- Drama
- Ungochani2010
- Documentary
- General Idea: Art, AIDS and the fin de siècle2008
- Documentary
- Strictly Confidential Confessions of Men2009
- Documentary
- Shark Bait2009
- Drama
- Braids on a Bald Head2010