- Kamen Rider Gavv: Gourmet Snacks and Woo!-mai Wakamen!!
- Comedy
- Action
- Dragon Kid1990
- Action
- Tiger Man2020
- Action
- The Two Cavaliers1973
- Action
- Drama
- 好小子7:打通關1990
- Action
- The Salted Egg2018
- Animation
- Action
- Fantasy
- Crippled Kung Fu Boxer1979
- Comedy
- Action
- Adventure of Shaolin1976
- Action
- Kung Fu Space Punch
- Adventure
- Animation
- Science Fiction
- Western
- 功夫女神2018
- Action
- Romance
- Comedy
- The Cold Mountain Temple1991
- Action
- Drama
- Shadow Ninja1983
- D.H.A.R.M.A. 92017
- Adventure
- Action
- Fingers That Kill1974
- Action
- Adventure
- Searing Passion1991
- Action
- Drama
- The Furious Killer1973
- Action
- The Black Panther1969
- Mystery
- Action
- Adventure
- Drama
- Xia Dao Zhi Zhun2013
- Drama
- Action
- Comedy
- Eighth Wonder of Kung Fu1979
- Action
- Work the Angles
- Action
- Science Fiction
- Horror