- The Shoplifter1964
- Documentary
- Pohádka o stromech a větru1951
- Animation
- Neviditelní nepřátelé1951
- Animation
- Mouchy1951
- Animation
- Vitaminy1948
- Animation
- Proč křičí?1948
- Animation
- Nemocné navštěvovati1950
- Animation
- Líbat či nelíbat1950
- Animation
- Řekne se kost1950
- Animation
- Lesy pro nás, my pro lesy1950
- Animation
- Šťastný a veselý 2. rok pětiletky1949
- Animation
- Narcotics: The Inside Story1967
- Kašpárek kouzelníkem1927
- The World of Lions with Bugs Bunny1997
- Documentary
- Users Are Losers1971
- Documentary
- Personal Hygiene For Young Women1925
- Documentary
- The Fun of Making Friends1950
- Drama
- Juárez1972
- Animation
- Pin-Pin's Adventures1991
- Animation
- Family
- Adventure
- Let's Talk: What's Happening?1969
- Documentary