- Tales of Magic: Volume 31986
- Animation
- Fantasy
- Tales of Magic: Volume 21986
- Animation
- Fantasy
- Blooming2023
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Das singende, klingende Bäumchen2016
- Family
- Der süße Brei2018
- TV Movie
- Fantasy
- Family
- Legenda o troch prútoch2023
- Fantasy
- Family
- TV Movie
- Das Wasser des Lebens2017
- Family
- Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: A Goofy Fairy Tale2016
- Animation
- TV Movie
- The Forsaken2017
- Fantasy
- Once Upon a Brothers Grimm1977
- Fantasy
- Family
- TV Movie
- Adventure
- Das Märchen vom Schlaraffenland2016
- Family
- Schneewittchen2009
- Family
- Zoey and the Wind-Up Boy2017
- Fantasy
- Music
- The Twisted Slipper2015
- Comedy
- Music
- The Princess Strikes Back2014
- Comedy
- Action
- Die Salzprinzessin2015
- Family
- Fantasy
- TV Movie
- Sechse kommen durch die ganze Welt2014
- Family
- Thornbird2015
- Fantasy
- The Seven Red Hoods2015
- Animation
- We All Go the Same2015
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Music