- Where Did I Come From?1985
- Animation
- Sales Pitch1983
- Drama
- Animation
- Comedy
- Attack of the Killer Refrigerator1990
- Comedy
- Horror
- Refutation of All the Judgements, Pro or Con, Thus Far Rendered on the Film "The Society of the Spectacle"1975
- Documentary
- The Frog, the Dog, and the Devil1986
- Animation
- Western
- Going Equipped1990
- Animation
- Drama
- Crime
- My Brother, Fidel1977
- Documentary
- China Lake1983
- Thriller
- Horror
- Le 15/81973
- Documentary
- Drama
- Samsara: Death and Rebirth in Cambodia1989
- Bill and Tony1972
- Viy1996
- Animation
- Fantasy
- Horror
- TV Movie
- Screen Play1993
- Animation
- Drama
- Some Exercises in Preparation of an Independent Life1981
- Comedy
- Animation
- A Garden Without Birds1992
- Horror
- Arabesque1975
- Animation
- The Fat Albert Halloween Special1977
- Family
- Animation
- Horror
- Comedy
- TV Movie
- The Dead Father1985
- Comedy
- Drama
- Horror
- Victor1993
- Drama
- Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 19771977
- Documentary