- Scar Tissue
- Music
- Drama
- Akademik Emil Belluš1979
- Documentary
- Those Days in Terezín1997
- Documentary
- The Most Handsome Man in the World: The Life of Roger Pereira
- Drama
- Ladislav Jurovatý - majster drôtu a železa1999
- Documentary
- Singing to the Gods: Mario Lanza2005
- Documentary
- Ján Smrek menej známy1998
- Documentary
- Learie Constantine1945
- Documentary
- Viktor & I: An Alexander Vesely Film
- Documentary
- History
- Rezonancia1998
- Documentary
- Karol Medvecký a Vojvodina1997
- Documentary
- Milan Rúfus1993
- Documentary
- Antonín Moskalyk, režisér2005
- Documentary
- Vyznanie pútnika1983
- Documentary
- Tibor Frešo1976
- Documentary
- Music
- Wordsworth Country1950
- Documentary
- Samuel Mikovíni – umelec, inženier1974
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- Ján Levoslav Bella1997
- Documentary
- Picasso: A Rebel in Paris - Story of a Life and a Museum2023
- Documentary
- Flugtkongen
- Documentary
- Crime