- The Business of Recovery2015
- Documentary
- Dopamine2020
- Drama
- Thriller
- Slavery In The 70's1972
- Documentary
- Wasterville
- Horror
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Changing the Needle1982
- Documentary
- Crackdown Big City Blues2018
- Drama
- No Matter What2020
- Drama
- Cottonland2006
- Documentary
- Coming Back for More2009
- Documentary
- Music
- Bennies and Goofballs1966
- Katha Kathmandu2018
- Romance
- Drama
- Crack USA: County Under Siege1989
- Documentary
- Boy Boy Girl Girl2018
- Drama
- Porgy and Bess2002
- Music
- Jumpin' Johnny2019
- The Pull2018
- Documentary
- Queens of Jazz: The Joy and Pain of the Jazz Divas2013
- Documentary
- Music
- Charithram1989
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Pasta2018
- Documentary
- Demon at the Door: Our Heroin Crisis2017
- Documentary