- Mundo mágico1983
- Drama
- Romance
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs1984
- Fantasy
- Romance
- TV Movie
- The Sexbury Tales1973
- Comedy
- Inside Out1991
- Comedy
- Drama
- Romance
- Science Fiction
- Fantasy
- Streak of Luck1983
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- Comedy
- Drama
- Scary Tales1993
- Horror
- Midnight Zone1997
- Horror
- Night Terror1989
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Trilogy of Swordsmanship1972
- Action
- Drama
- Horror
- Comedy
- Worst Laid Plans2022
- Horror
- Thriller
- Strange2022
- Horror
- Vestige2022
- Drama
- The Dead of Night2024
- Horror
- Gamanam2021
- Drama
- Face's a Verb2021
- Drama
- Comedy
- Crime
- Tasty Ending2021
- Drama
- Galaxy of Horrors2024
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Fitas Proibidas - Antologia do Terror2024
- Horror
- Halb Zehn2024
- Comedy