- Modern Sculptors1908
- Animation
- Fantasy
- Female Conscripts1908
- Comedy
- The Rajah's Casket1906
- Fantasy
- Diving Lucy1903
- Comedy
- Beppie1965
- Documentary
- Horses Bathing1896
- Documentary
- A Funny Story at the Window1908
- Comedy
- Andalusian Superstition1912
- Horror
- Drama
- Max and the Statue1912
- Comedy
- In the Dark2005
- Drama
- Promenade du dragon à Cholon, I1900
- Documentary
- Japanese Actors: Wig Exercise1900
- Documentary
- The Suburbanite1904
- Comedy
- Finding His Voice1929
- Documentary
- Animation
- Momotaro, Japan's No.11928
- Animation
- 5 Telephone Conversations2006
- Romance
- Drama
- Home1998
- Horror
- Drama
- The Genie in a Tin of Ravioli2005
- Animation
- The Trick Cyclist1901
- Comedy
- Documentary
- Collars and Cuffs1923
- Comedy