- Kendra and Beth2021
- Drama
- Comedy
- Meat1976
- Documentary
- Big Meat Eater1982
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Music
- Horror
- Meat2018
- Documentary
- Vleesverlangen2015
- Documentary
- Dinner is served2024
- Horror
- Comedy
- A CARNE2023
- Thriller
- Horror
- Grazing the Amazon2018
- Documentary
- Rabbit Meat2015
- Comedy
- Drama
- Meats & Cheeses2023
- Comedy
- Late Winter2022
- Drama
- Consumption2022
- Horror
- Thriller
- Meat the Future2020
- Documentary
- Flesh in Turmoil2023
- Drama
- Pig Head2018
- Horror
- Action
- The Meat Lobby: Big Business Against Health?2016
- Documentary
- Gallu
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Thriller
- From the Kill Pen2016
- Documentary
- Drama
- Meat Party2020
- Drama
- Foraging for the Lotus Eaters2019