- Gorillas in the Mist1988
- Drama
- History
- Animal1977
- Comedy
- Beware the Gorilla2019
- Comedy
- Family
- Swiss Miss1938
- Comedy
- Music
- Buddy1997
- Family
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Drama
- Africa Screams1949
- Comedy
- Adventure
- The Mighty Peking Man1977
- Action
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Horror
- Seven Deaths in the Cat's Eyes1973
- Horror
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Crime
- Night of the Bloody Apes1969
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Donald Duck and the Gorilla1944
- Animation
- Comedy
- Dracula vs. Frankenstein1971
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Snowflake, the White Gorilla2011
- Animation
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Family
- The Chimp1932
- Comedy
- The Thing with Two Heads1972
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- The Ape1940
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Born to Be Wild1995
- Drama
- Family
- Captive Wild Woman1943
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- A*P*E1976
- Adventure
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Bride of the Gorilla1951
- Horror
- The Gorilla Mystery1930
- Animation