- The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu1980
- Comedy
- Horror
- Crime
- Duck and Cover1952
- Animation
- Family
- Ladybug Ladybug1963
- Drama
- The Creation of the Humanoids1962
- Science Fiction
- Doomsday Machine1972
- Science Fiction
- Countdown to Looking Glass1984
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Edge of Extinction2020
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Action
- Drama
- Warriors of the Apocalypse1985
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Cocolors2017
- Animation
- Science Fiction
- Friend of the World2020
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Wind1988
- Animation
- Desert Warrior1989
- Action
- Science Fiction
- Nuclear Shelter1981
- Science Fiction
- Black Garden2020
- Science Fiction
- Ghosts of Hiroshima2022
- Horror
- X-Men: First Class2011
- Action
- Science Fiction
- Adventure
- BAB2020
- Science Fiction
- Drama
- Thriller
- World War Four2019
- Action
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- War
- Bunker2014
- War
- Drama
- Atomic Pilgrimage: Ghost Towns, Nuclear Relics, and Lost Civilizations on the Road to the Trinity Site2019
- Documentary