- Return of the Fly1959
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Come As You Are2020
- Comedy
- Drama
- Agnes of God1985
- Drama
- Mystery
- Stories We Tell2012
- Documentary
- Hochelaga, Land of Souls2017
- Adventure
- Drama
- History
- Blood2004
- Drama
- Gurov and Anna2014
- Romance
- Drama
- Léolo1992
- Comedy
- Drama
- Fantasy
- The Merry World of Leopold Z1965
- Comedy
- The 80 Goes to Sparta1969
- Documentary
- Funkytown2011
- Drama
- Music
- Coyote1992
- Comedy
- Drama
- Afterglow1997
- Drama
- Romance
- Comedy
- The 3 L'il Pigs 22016
- Comedy
- Mile End Kicks
- Comedy
- Romance
- Music
- The Sunny Munchy Crunchy Natural Food Shop1973
- Documentary
- Back Stab1990
- Crime
- Thriller
- La Run2011
- Drama
- Fareed2018
- Drama
- Montréal Girls2023
- Comedy
- Drama
- Romance