- Hear My Song1991
- Comedy
- Letter to Brezhnev1985
- Comedy
- Romance
- The Magnet1950
- Comedy
- Madonna and Child1980
- Drama
- The End of the Storm2020
- Documentary
- The Clouded Yellow1950
- Mystery
- Thriller
- One Night in Istanbul2014
- Comedy
- The Terence Davies Trilogy1983
- Drama
- The Reckoning1970
- Drama
- The Fruit Machine1988
- Drama
- The Black Stuff1980
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Waterfront1950
- Drama
- Dockers1999
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Kicks2009
- Drama
- Thriller
- Blonde Fist1991
- Comedy
- Action
- Drama
- Dancin' Thru the Dark1990
- Drama
- Comedy
- TV Movie
- Anthony2020
- Drama
- TV Movie
- The Flickering Flame1996
- Documentary
- Liverpool Story2024
- Documentary
- All the Way Back to Liverpool2012
- Documentary