- Exposing the Satanic Empire2010
- Documentary
- History
- Lucifer 20001993
- Documentary
- Fantasy
- History
- Secret Societies : The Dark Mysteries of Power Revealed2007
- Documentary
- Drama
- American Illuminati 22019
- Documentary
- UFOs Masonry and Satanism in the Occult Social Order2005
- Documentary
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- Comedy
- Illuminati2020
- Documentary
- This is Not a Conspiracy Theory2020
- Documentary
- Adam Weishaupt: The Illuminati2018
- Documentary
- End of the Line2015
- Comedy
- Adventure
- Secrets of the Illuminati1999
- Documentary
- Documentary
- Contract with the Devil
- Adventure
- Horror
- The Sins of Government2005
- Horror
- Thriller