- Day of the Dead2008
- Action
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Apollo 182011
- Horror
- Thriller
- Science Fiction
- The Cured2017
- Horror
- Drama
- Science Fiction
- Contagio2009
- Horror
- Face of Evil2016
- Thriller
- Horror
- Peelers2016
- Horror
- Contracted: Phase II2015
- Horror
- Thriller
- Open Grave2013
- Horror
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Outbreak2025
- Horror
- Mystery
- Thriller
- The Swimmers2014
- Drama
- Horror
- Here Alone2016
- Horror
- Thriller
- Science Fiction
- Trench 112017
- Horror
- Thriller
- War
- Cabin Fever: Patient Zero2014
- Horror
- The Rage2023
- Thriller
- Drama
- Blue Monkey1987
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Retrograde2004
- Action
- Science Fiction
- C.H.U.D. II: Bud the Chud1989
- Horror
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Uninvited1988
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Altered2006
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Mutants2009
- Horror
- Science Fiction