- Tibet in Song2009
- Documentary
- Dreaming Lhasa2007
- Drama
- Romance
- The Tibetan Book of the Dead: A Way of Life1994
- Documentary
- Crazy Wisdom: The Life and Times of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche2011
- Documentary
- Seven Years in Tibet1956
- Documentary
- Windhorse1998
- Drama
- Music
- Romance
- August2024
- Documentary
- Le Tibet face à la Chine, le dernier souffle ?2024
- Documentary
- Drama
- Journey to Kailash2020
- Documentary
- My Reincarnation2011
- Documentary
- Brilliant Moon: Glimpses of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche2010
- Documentary
- Karmapa - Two Ways of Divinity1998
- Documentary
- Song of Tibet2000
- Drama
- What Remains of Us2004
- Documentary
- Alexandra David-Néel : Du Sikkim au Tibet Interdit1992
- Documentary
- Spirit of Tibet: Journey to Enlightenment, the Life and World of Dilgo Kyentse Rinpoche1995
- Documentary
- Tibetan Warrior2015
- Documentary
- The Nightingale of Tibet2013
- Drama
- Tibet - Les nourritures terrestres2011
- Documentary
- Summer in the Lotus Ground2012
- Documentary