- Commitment2013
- Drama
- Action
- Thriller
- Where Eagles Dare1968
- Action
- Adventure
- War
- Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection1990
- Action
- Black Eagle1988
- Action
- Drama
- The Russia House1990
- Drama
- Thriller
- Romance
- Hanover Street1979
- Drama
- Romance
- War
- Action
- Adventure
- Suicide Squad2016
- Action
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Morituri1965
- Action
- Drama
- Thriller
- War
- Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo1944
- War
- Drama
- Jurassic World Rebirth2025
- Science Fiction
- Adventure
- Thriller
- Hangman's Curse2003
- Horror
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Above Suspicion1943
- Thriller
- The Hero: Love Story of a Spy2003
- Thriller
- Action
- Adventure
- Romance
- Painkillers2015
- Thriller
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Northern Pursuit1943
- Adventure
- War
- Drama
- Legion of Brothers2017
- Documentary
- Straight Shooter1999
- Drama
- Thriller
- The Twelve Months of the Summer1988
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Drama
- Mystery
- TV Movie
- Johnny Puff: Secret Mission2024
- Animation
- Family
- Fat Buddies2018
- Comedy
- Action