- Darwin's Nightmare2005
- Documentary
- Legacy2021
- Documentary
- Your Chance to Live: Pollution1973
- Documentary
- Jane's Journey2011
- Documentary
- Bigger Than Us2021
- Documentary
- Inside Chernobyl with Ben Fogle2021
- Documentary
- The Cost of Cobalt2021
- Documentary
- Die Odyssee der Großtrappen - Das Comeback der Riesenvögel2021
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- Quota2024
- Animation
- Comedy
- Plastic Odyssey, mission pacifique2025
- Documentary
- Der Sturm - Tiere bei Blitz und Donner2023
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- Les Mégafeux, la nouvelle guerre du feu2022
- Documentary
- Le peuple du requin et moi2023
- Documentary
- Las Nogas2023
- Fantasy
- Animation
- Science Fiction
- Comedy
- Drama
- Been Here Stay Here2024
- Documentary
- Parfum2023
- Drama
- Beneath the Concrete, The Forest2023
- Documentary
- Whistling Up The Wind2024
- Comedy
- The Atlantis Mussels2024
- Documentary
- Critical Mass2013
- Documentary