- Building for Books1958
- Documentary
- Goodbye Words2023
- Documentary
- Los prohibidos2019
- Documentary
- El Cardenal1972
- Lovebugs2023
- Drama
- Comedy
- El Secret del Bosc2024
- Documentary
- To Be Destroyed2024
- Documentary
- Devotion2018
- Animation
- Drama
- Fantasy
- The Grand Inquisitor2008
- Drama
- Mystery
- The Archive2018
- Horror
- Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas - O Curta Metragem2024
- Comedy
- Children's Book Press: San Francisco Foundation Community Leadership Awards 2009
- Documentary
- Me voy. Me voy2021
- Documentary
- Spectator
- Animation
- Drama
- One Book at a Time2020
- Documentary
- A Word for Human2019
- Documentary
- A Book Is to Care For1969
- Documentary