- Vegan: Everyday Stories2016
- Documentary
- The Raid2024
- Drama
- Vegan 20172017
- Documentary
- The Trial2011
- Documentary
- Matilda and the Brave Escape2024
- Animation
- Family
- Eating Miss Campbell2022
- Horror
- Comedy
- Behind the Mask2006
- Documentary
- Cherry on Top2024
- Horror
- Fantasy
- The Last Pig2017
- Documentary
- POSSUM2024
- Horror
- Comedy
- Hogwood: A Modern Horror Story2020
- Documentary
- Casa de Carne2019
- Drama
- Juicy2024
- Comedy
- Drama
- Romance
- Lucent2014
- Documentary
- The Witness2000
- Documentary
- I Could Never Go Vegan2024
- Documentary
- Dans la peau d'un végan2024
- Documentary
- Dinner is served2024
- Horror
- Comedy
- Main Course2021
- Drama
- Comedy
- Milked2021
- Documentary