- Trap Happy Porky1945
- Animation
- Family
- Comedy
- The Russian Sleep Experiment2015
- Drama
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Beyond Darkness2023
- Thriller
- Horror
- Drama
- Mystery
- Fantasy
- Popeye Meets Rip Van Winkle1941
- Animation
- Comedy
- Third Shift Coming Home2023
- Documentary
- Broken Sleep2017
- Mystery
- Thanatos
- Thriller
- Sleepy-Time Squirrel1954
- Animation
- Comedy
- Family
- A Modern Guide to Health1946
- Animation
- How Does It Feel to Disappear Completely?
- Drama
- Shuteye Popeye1952
- Animation
- Comedy
- The Nightmare2010
- Documentary
- Sleep Paralysis2022
- Documentary
- Um Olho que Sonha2022
- Horror
- Animation
- Shut-Eye2014
- Science Fiction
- Conscientia2017
- Horror
- Until The Next Daylight2023
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Thriller
- Mystery
- The Sleepy Revolution2009
- Animation
- Drama
- Febrem Somnium2023
- Mystery
- Drama