- Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost Urn2015
- Action
- Animation
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Idol Fighter Su-Chi-Pai II2003
- Action
- Animation
- Refrain Blue: Chapter 1 - Scarlet Remembrance2000
- Animation
- Drama
- Not in Textbooks 52019
- Comedy
- Romance
- Drama
- Ikki Tousen in Kyoto2011
- Action
- Animation
- Inukami! The Movie: Tokumei Reiteki Sousakan Karina Shirou!2007
- Animation
- Not in Textbooks 42017
- Comedy
- Romance
- Drama
- Not in Textbooks 22016
- Drama
- Comedy
- Romance
- Kennel Tokorozawa1992
- Animation
- Comedy
- Labyrinth of Flames2000
- Comedy
- Action
- Animation
- Debutante Detective Corps1996
- Animation
- Action
- Comedy
- Crime
- Issho ni Training: Training with Hinako2009
- Animation
- Not in Textbooks 32017
- Comedy
- Romance
- Drama
- Thriller
- Hisashi Eguchi's Kotobuki Goro Show1991
- Animation
- Comedy
- Paradise of Innocence2016
- Animation
- Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru: Trinkle Stars The Animation2021
- Animation
- Refrain Blue: Chapter 3 - Eternal Blue Waves2000
- Romance
- Animation
- Drama
- The Island of Giant Insects - Live-Action PV2019
- History
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Paradise of Innocence2014
- Animation
- Cherry no Manma1989
- Animation
- Comedy