- Boy Meets Girl1994
- Drama
- Horror
- The Houses October Built2014
- Horror
- Thriller
- Love & Pop1998
- Drama
- Eros + Massacre1969
- Drama
- Surveillance2008
- Horror
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Raw 3: The Revelation of Grete Müller2015
- Horror
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Lisbon Story1994
- Drama
- Music
- What Do You Say to a Naked Lady1970
- Comedy
- Night Eyes1990
- Thriller
- My Little Eye2002
- Horror
- Caught on Tape2013
- Camera Buff1979
- Drama
- The Fun House1977
- Horror
- Video Voyeur: The Susan Wilson Story2002
- Drama
- Fuck-a-Fan2024
- Drama
- Flourish2006
- Drama
- Mystery
- Wild in Blue2014
- Horror
- Never on Tuesday1989
- Comedy
- Everlasting Moments2008
- Drama
- History
- Robot Wars2016
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Thriller