- Whom the Gods Wish to Destroy1966
- Drama
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Cantinflas boxeador1940
- Comedy
- Second Chances2024
- Drama
- Romance
- The Girl from the Third Row1949
- Comedy
- Drama
- Some Like It Hot1939
- Comedy
- Music
- Romance
- Gawain and the Green Knight1973
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Con limite de tiempo.2024
- Documentary
- Bokser2012
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Rabbia in pugno2013
- Crime
- Thriller
- Ring of Desire2021
- Thriller
- Horror
- O Anel de Eva2024
- Drama
- Keeper2018
- Crime
- Drama
- Romance
- Rush2024
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Action
- Domine2017
- Horror
- I Was a Child of Holocaust Survivors2010
- Animation
- Viktor and Viktoria1993
- Adventure
- Family
- Making Luck2019
- Drama
- The Ring of the Buddha2003
- Adventure
- Documentary
- Drama
- The Ring2023
- Comedy
- Horror
- Chinatown Charlie1928
- Comedy