- Charlie's Climbing Tree1975
- Animation
- Family
- The Dreamlife of David L2014
- Drama
- The Steagle1971
- Comedy
- A Legacy of Whining2016
- Comedy
- Only Always You2012
- Romance
- Día Uno2022
- Romance
- Drama
- Comedy
- The Ringing Bell2020
- Drama
- Science Fiction
- The Little Ranger1938
- Family
- Comedy
- Use Your Imagination1933
- Romance
- Daydreamer's Pursuit
- Adventure
- Rêver sa Vie2021
- Romance
- Music
- Comedy
- Two Pictures2020
- Drama
- Hiking2021
- Comedy
- Glenn & Gloria1989
- Comedy
- Romance
- TV Movie
- Rasberries2016
- Comedy
- Geile Sau2005
- Romance
- Eddy & Véronique1976
- Romance