- Hercules and the Tyrants of Babylon1964
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Hercules Against the Moon Men1964
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Hercules, Samson & Ulysses1963
- Adventure
- Hercules vs. the Giant Warriors1964
- Adventure
- The Terror of Rome Against the Son of Hercules1964
- Adventure
- Hercules1997
- Animation
- Family
- Fantasy
- Hercules and the Masked Rider1963
- Adventure
- Action
- Drama
- Romance
- Hercules of the Desert1964
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Hercules Reborn2014
- Adventure
- Action
- Hercules Against the Sons of the Sun1964
- Adventure
- Hercules, Prisoner of Evil1964
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- The Conquest of Mycenae1963
- Drama
- Adventure
- Hercules and the Pirates1964
- Adventure
- Hercules Returns1993
- Comedy
- Hercules and the Princess of Troy1965
- Adventure
- TV Movie
- Hercules Against Rome1964
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Key of Gibraltar
- History
- Hercules and Admetus1986
- Animation
- Hercules Against the Mongols1963
- Adventure
- Drama
- Action
- Hercules1997
- Family
- Animation
- Adventure