- The Cat o' Nine Tails1971
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Horror
- Dead Ringers1988
- Thriller
- Horror
- sex, lies, and videotape1989
- Drama
- The Rental2020
- Horror
- Thriller
- Blue Velvet1986
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Crime
- Looking Glass2018
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Small Town Crime2018
- Thriller
- Crime
- Mystery
- Confessions of a Brazilian Call Girl2011
- Drama
- Black Christmas1974
- Horror
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Femme Fatale2002
- Mystery
- Crime
- Thriller
- Bitter Moon1992
- Thriller
- Drama
- Romance
- The Neighbor2016
- Crime
- Horror
- Mystery
- Thriller
- The Burning1981
- Horror
- The Scandalous Lady W2015
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Romance
- History
- Faults2014
- Drama
- Comedy
- Crime
- Open Windows2014
- Thriller
- Action
- Crime
- The Hidden Face2011
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Black Christmas2006
- Horror
- Mystery
- Extreme Movie2008
- Comedy
- Funny Games1997
- Drama
- Horror
- Thriller