- Pinocchio1976
- TV Movie
- Family
- Fantasy
- Lars is LOL2023
- Family
- Drama
- Ride2019
- Horror
- The Choking Game2014
- Drama
- TV Movie
- STRoNG, aussi forts que fragiles2023
- Documentary
- Pylon2023
- Drama
- Slavery In The 70's1972
- Documentary
- ...So I Took It!1975
- Crime
- Everybody's Doing It2002
- Comedy
- Family
- Wasted Talent2021
- Drama
- Crime
- US1970
- Documentary
- Receipts2024
- Drama
- The Burning Snail1996
- Drama
- Reasons2022
- Comedy
- Drama
- And I Lived2005
- Romance
- Drama
- The Lesson2014
- Drama
- Pamela's Prayer1998
- Drama
- Piece of Paradise2022
- Drama
- Why Peer Pressure is Super Bad and you Shouldn't do it: The Movie2023
- Comedy
- Drama
- Strike2020
- Drama