- Macon County Line1974
- Drama
- Action
- Clover Bend2002
- Drama
- Thriller
- Tension at Table Rock1956
- Western
- Drama
- Red Canyon2008
- Action
- Horror
- Thriller
- Tick... Tick... Tick...1970
- Drama
- Action
- The Sheriff1971
- TV Movie
- Drama
- Crime
- Welcome to Christmas2018
- Romance
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Macabre1958
- Horror
- Thriller
- Mystery
- The California Kid1974
- Action
- Thriller
- Horror
- TV Movie
- Megaconda2010
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Action
- Revenge for a Rape1976
- Crime
- Drama
- Thriller
- TV Movie
- A Sweet Scent of Death1999
- Drama
- Crime
- Little Chenier2008
- Drama
- Bone Eater2008
- Horror
- TV Movie
- 3 Days of Normal2012
- Comedy
- Family
- Romance
- Bullet Scars1942
- Crime
- Drama
- Normal
- Western
- Action
- Crime
- Thriller
- The Sellout1952
- Crime
- Drama
- It's A Small World1935
- Romance
- Comedy
- The Town That Cried Bigfoot
- Documentary