- Land of Hope2018
- History
- Drama
- Romance
- Steam of Life2010
- Documentary
- Kummeli Kultakuume1997
- Comedy
- Letters to Father Jacob2009
- Drama
- The Dudesons Movie2006
- Comedy
- Action
- 21 Ways to Ruin a Marriage2013
- Comedy
- Romance
- Born American1986
- Drama
- Action
- Thriller
- Vares: The Girls of April2011
- Crime
- Action
- The Earth Is a Sinful Song1973
- Drama
- Aalto2020
- Documentary
- Gloriously Wasted2012
- Comedy
- Vares: The Path of the Righteous Men2012
- Crime
- Action
- Four Nations Facing Off2025
- Documentary
- Games People Play2020
- Drama
- Comedy
- Towards the Day of Doom2014
- Science Fiction
- Comedy
- Train Birds1998
- Comedy
- Tale of a Lake2016
- Documentary
- Run Sister Run!2010
- Drama
- Thick Lashes of Lauri Mäntyvaara2017
- Comedy
- Romance
- Reunion 2: The Bachelor Party2016
- Comedy