- The Lad from Old Ireland1910
- Drama
- Romance
- Here and There2009
- Comedy
- Drama
- Romance
- The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich2013
- Drama
- A Lady in Paris2012
- Drama
- Playground2009
- Drama
- Romance
- Touch and Go1955
- Comedy
- Drama
- Romance
- Emptiness2020
- Drama
- Overseas and Under Your Skin2009
- Drama
- Comedy
- It's Winter2006
- Drama
- The Father1971
- Drama
- The Beach Guard in Winter1976
- Drama
- The Man of Earth1984
- Drama
- Nueba Yol1995
- Comedy
- Drama
- Romance
- Hanaan2012
- Drama
- Crime
- Próxima2007
- Science Fiction
- Return2023
- Documentary
- Frosina1952
- Drama
- War
- A toy
- Drama
- Monaco, Italia. Storie di arrivi in Germania2011
- Documentary
- The Little Bird of Ribeira1960
- Drama
- Family
- Romance