- The Outside Chance of Maximilian Glick1988
- Drama
- Comedy
- Marching to Zion2015
- Documentary
- Mendy2003
- Drama
- The Wandering Jew1933
- Drama
- Fantasy
- The Ornament of the World2019
- Documentary
- History
- Ady Steg, un parcours juif, une histoire française2024
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- Europa: The Last Battle2017
- Documentary
- History
- War
- The Jewish-Roman Wars2019
- Documentary
- Animation
- History
- TV Movie
- Dawn2015
- Drama
- The Tribe2005
- Documentary
- Tkies khaf1924
- Drama
- Romance
- Wild Women2022
- Documentary
- Finding Mashiach2024
- Documentary
- The Eichmann Trial2024
- Documentary
- History
- Simchas and Sorrows2022
- Comedy
- Drama
- Herod the Great: The Child Murderer of Bethlehem2019
- Documentary
- Animation
- History
- TV Movie
- Rabbi Wolff2016
- Documentary
- Regina2013
- Documentary
- A Goy Guide to World History2014
- Documentary
- History
- Jews and Baseball: An American Love Story2010
- Documentary