- Satan ist auf Gottes Seite1983
- Drama
- A Wanderer's Notebook1962
- Drama
- The Living Idol1957
- Drama
- Adventure
- 12 Desperate Hours2023
- TV Movie
- Drama
- Sharpe's Waterloo1997
- War
- Action
- Adventure
- TV Movie
- History
- Anita and Me2002
- Comedy
- Drama
- Family
- Der Held vom Bahnhof Friedrichstraße
- Thriller
- Drama
- Because I Hate Korea2024
- Drama
- Zotz!1962
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Michel Strogoff1999
- Drama
- Adventure
- Americanese2006
- Comedy
- Drama
- Earth's Most Beloved Son1993
- Drama
- The Grandfather1998
- Drama
- Shining Boy and Little Randy2005
- Romance
- Family
- Drama
- A Connecticut Yankee1931
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Romance
- The Pilot1980
- Action
- Drama
- Earth1998
- Drama
- Romance
- History
- Turn the Key Softly1953
- Crime
- Drama
- The Turn of the Screw2009
- Thriller
- Drama
- Horror
- Mystery
- TV Movie
- St. Louis2019
- Documentary
- History
- TV Movie
- Drama