- The Pineapple Thief: Where We Stood2017
- Music
- The Beatles, Hippies & Hells Angels: Inside the Crazy World of Apple2017
- Documentary
- Music
- The Road Forward2017
- Documentary
- Music
- Industry Abnormal2024
- Comedy
- Music
- Luv(sic) Hexalogy [OMA & Shing02 Live at Liquidroom]2024
- Music
- Spare Change2024
- Drama
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Halestorm: Live at Wembley2024
- Music
- Documentary
- Love and Justice2024
- Action
- Comedy
- Zephyr2016
- Crime
- Romance
- Adventure
- Danny Maccallum is an Absolute Loser2023
- Drama
- Comedy
- Music
- Una Vida es el Tango2023
- Music
- Drama
- I'm Sorry Cody2024
- Comedy
- Documentary
- Before We Go2014
- Documentary
- TINI: Un mechón de pelo2024
- Music
- Sonaten2024
- Music
- Documentary
- I love you, I love you2024
- Music
- Drama
- Romance
- Under the Bridge2023
- Romance
- Drama
- My Fourth Wall2024
- Drama
- John Michael's Project2024
- Documentary
- Poppin'Party×MyGO!!!!! Joint Live「Divide/Unite」2024
- Music