- Hotel Inferno 2: The Cathedral of Pain2017
- Horror
- Action
- 15 Cameras2023
- Horror
- Thriller
- Children of Sorrow2012
- Horror
- Thriller
- Hate Crime2012
- Crime
- Horror
- Stéphane2023
- Comedy
- Thriller
- They're Inside2019
- Horror
- The Encounter2015
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- RWD2015
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- The Vatican Exorcisms2013
- Horror
- Documentary
- Mystery
- Greystone Park2012
- Horror
- Thriller
- Island: Wedding of the Zombies2010
- Comedy
- Horror
- Faces of Death IV1990
- Documentary
- Horror
- Followers2017
- Thriller
- VooDoo2017
- Horror
- Devil's Weekend2012
- Horror
- Crime
- Comedy
- 7 Nights Of Darkness2011
- Horror
- Russia 882009
- Drama
- Interview with the Assassin2002
- Drama
- Thriller
- First on the Moon2005
- Mystery
- Science Fiction
- Zero Contact2022
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Drama