- It's Still Elementary2007
- Black Mold Exposure2009
- Documentary
- In My Genes2009
- Drama
- Documentary
- The Last Fistful of Land1966
- Documentary
- Inside Red China1958
- Documentary
- Algériennes, Trente ans après1996
- Documentary
- Who Killed Fourth Ward?1978
- Documentary
- Red Hair and Black Coffee
- Documentary
- Cómo vivir toda una vida con apenas un te quiero
- Documentary
- Drama
- We are a conversation
- Documentary
- In Fact, There is not Future1988
- Documentary
- Voices From The New Jungle
- Documentary
- Voices
- Documentary
- From Us To Me / Vom Wir zum Ich1988
- Documentary
- Cuba 111 y Malecón1995
- Documentary
- Whatever Happened To Green Valley?1974
- Documentary
- ¡Votad, votad, malditos!1977
- Documentary
- Wanda Gosciminska – A Textile Worker1975
- Documentary
- History
- Choosing Children1984
- Documentary
- I'm Not Gay2023
- Documentary