- Zaat1971
- Thriller
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Raiders of Atlantis1983
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Humongous1982
- Horror
- Cyst2020
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Comedy
- Digimon Adventure 02: Revenge of Diaboromon2001
- Adventure
- Animation
- Family
- Raging Sharks2005
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Water, Water Every Hare1952
- Animation
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- The Giant Behemoth1959
- Science Fiction
- Gamera: Super Monster1980
- Science Fiction
- Family
- Action
- The Rage2007
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Neverknock2017
- Thriller
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- TV Movie
- The Werewolf1956
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- The Giant Gila Monster1959
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Invisible Agent1942
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- War
- It Conquered the World1956
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Horror
- My Sweet Monster2021
- Animation
- Adventure
- Family
- The Young Cannibals2019
- Horror
- Thriller
- Night of the Blood Beast1958
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Creature from the Haunted Sea1961
- Horror
- Comedy
- Journey to the Seventh Planet1962
- Adventure
- Horror
- Science Fiction