- The Greatest Places1998
- Documentary
- Lost Worlds: Life in the Balance2001
- Documentary
- Coral Reef Adventure2003
- Documentary
- Bears2004
- Documentary
- Mystery of the Nile2005
- Documentary
- Skin1995
- Drama
- Romance
- Altair1994
- Romance
- Animation
- Drama
- Citizen Steve1987
- Comedy
- Prometheus' Garden1987
- Animation
- Horror
- Fantasy
- Drama
- Rejuvenating Apples1974
- Animation
- Fantasy
- The Evening Sacrifice1987
- History
- Documentary
- Tchaïka1994
- Documentary
- The Mask of the Devil1976
- Animation
- Black Sheep Boy1995
- Drama
- Sigmund1984
- Animation
- Superdyke Meets Madame X1976
- Documentary
- Romance
- Home Stories1990
- Documentary
- Patience Labour1985
- Documentary
- Diary1974
- Animation
- Making a Splash1984
- Documentary